Basic Salad

Fokhagymás uborkasaláta
(Cucumber salad with sour cream
and garlic)

2 cucumbers (approx 1 pound)
1/2 cup sour cream
vinegar, sugar
salt, pepper, one clove garlic
pinch paprika

Wash cucumbers (peel only if skin is thick), slice thinly, sprinkle with salt and let stand for 30 minutes.

To prepare the dressing: add the crushed garlic, vinegar and sugar to taste to at least 1/3 cup water. Gently squeeze out the cucumber, add to dressing in a large bowl and sprinkle the top with the sour cream, pepper and paprika.

Tip: you can omit the water and use 1/2 cup sour cream instead...and for extra garlic flavor add one more crushed clove of garlic. Always serve well chilled!