The village of


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Left, a photo snapped just the other side of the kindergarten with a very pretty tree in view; Center, across the street is a bike path that cuts through to the next street; Right, an old gate not far from the kindergarten.



At the end of the street is the templom and its various statues and buildings. This is a panoramic shot of the templom with main street on the left and the street we had ridden up on the right.





Left, a view towards the templom taken from the end of the street, with the fountain and statues of St. Miklos (St. Nicholas) and of the Virgin Mary in between; Center, a shot taken close up of the fountain with the date the templom was built; Right, a close up detail of one of the faucets in the fountain. This whole area was redone a few years ago and the fountain was built at that time.





Left, the statue of the Virgin Mary in its wrought iron enclosure; Center, info about the templom is posted in Hungarian, English and in German. These are Hungarian and English versions; Right, a view of the fountain taken from where the statues are. You can see that the side street comes out onto the main street at an angle, making a triangle at the end where the fountain is.





Left, traveling out onto the main street and going towards the end of the village is this monument built in recent times but commemorating an old campaign; Center, the park where the monument sits. The lightened rectangle slightly to the right of center is where it sits; Right, across the main street was this house with a very pretty fall display at the gate.





Left, back along the main street is this old building with a nice old gate. It's the offices of an agricultural co-op; Center, near the intersection of the two main roads is this building, which houses both the post office and the volunteer fire department; Right, behind the building is both the firehouse and a couple of ponies.




Left, the mayor's office; Right, even though we're a small village in Hungary EU building code is followed and the mayor's office has a handicap access ramp.




Left, further along the main road is the Teke Bar and restaurant. They have very good food and we like to eat here when we can afford to eat out; Right, just a little way down the street is this very small grocery store affiliated with the CBA chain. It's at the other end of the village from where we live so it's been a long while since we were in it but it must handy for the people who live on that end of the village.





Left, near the end of the village there is a monument which is a memorial built in 1891 at the bequest of a local woman along with some other donators. The verse at the top is the Hungarian for "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (from John 14:6 in the Bible) and the bottom words tell about who was responsible for it being put up: one Mrs. Mihaly Hegedus, born as Terezia Toth. Center, the only thatch roof house in the village, on a quiet and narrow street; Right, the playground separated by just one neighbor from our house. This is often a very busy place in good weather!


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